The metal we used is the Forged Bronze because our philosophy is to reward a noble effort with a noble metal.

The bronze was the first important alloy obtained by man and gave its name to the prehistoric period known as the Bronze Age. An ancient civilization is defined to be in the Bronze Age either by smelting its own copper and alloying with tin, arsenic, or other metals, or by trading for bronze from production areas elsewhere.

Medalla Conmemorativa Yuste 2008
Medalla 650 Aniversario
Medalla dedicada a eventos Conmemorativos: Aniversarios y Homenajes.


Creating your own legacy pieces.

Medalla de Bronce de 70mm decorada en Plata.

Medalla de Bronce con Altorelieve
Medalla para Eventos Caninos Internacionales.
Medalla de Bronce conmemorativa.

The success of our company resides in the relation with our clients and the confidence that they have granted us. We count on being able to deserve yours.